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Cleveland Custom Window Treatments


Do You Really Need Drapery in Your Home?

Grey blackout privacy curtains

Does drapery really matter in your own home? There are many benefits to having drapery, which can really transform your home. Below are some reasons why you need drapery in your home. 


If you are looking for more privacy in your own home, having drapery can help reduce who can see into your home. Carmen’s Custom Window Treatments can customize drapes to any window in your home, even if you think it cannot be done due to things like large windows. Choosing certain fabrics that are not sheer can create the privacy that you are seeking. 


A pair of white curtains are hung on a window with a vase of water that has branches in it with three dice and an open book

Drapery can transform your home into a new space. Picking out different fabrics with patterns or colors can add the right touch to the room to create something beautiful. Carmen’s Custom Window Treatments can customize exactly what you want to make your home complete. 

Prevents Dust

Dust particles can enter your home through opening windows, so having drapery can prevent the dust from entering your home. However, make sure you clean your drapery frequently to keep them clean and keep them from accumulating too much dust. 

Someone is sleeping with blackout curtains. The bedding is grey, so are the pillows.

Improves Sleep

Blackout curtains can create a dark room for you to be able to sleep in. Many people struggle with having a peaceful sleep with sunlight coming through their bedroom. Using a thick curtain to block sunlight from coming into your room can improve how you sleep. 


Quality drapery can be kept in your home for years to come. Picking out a fabric that is durable will allow you to continue using them for a long time. To ensure they maintain their quality, make sure you clean them frequently, as well.